6 years ago
Friday, June 24, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Picture Update
(these are out of order but its been 6 months since my update! so...)

Capri and Willie's Wedding was of course BEAUTIFUL! She was Gorgeous! Everything turned out great and it was such a special day! LOVE you sis..
This is Christmas Eve. Every year we get PJ's and take pictures, Capri and Willie couldn't be there because they flew in a week later for their Wedding! But we had a great holiday. Damon's Step mom Tammy and step-brother Alex came down and woke up on Christmas morning with us... Alex was so cute coming down the stairs to see what Santa had left.
(yes Im blogging about Christmas in June) haha

One of the other things Santa brought this year was LILLY! I don't think I have introduced her on this blog yet...
This is Miss Lilly, the newest member of our family. She's still a puppy in this picture, but she SO cute! Hopefully it wont be another 6 months before I post an updated picture of her.

These are just some fun pictures of us girls as Capri's Bachelorette Party the night before the Wedding. Good times, good times.

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Its been a while...
So as usual I'm busy busy.. And Im pretty sure that my Sister and My Mom are the Only ones that ever check this blog... SO..
Heres What we've been up to the last few months..
Damon and I went to California for a much needed Vaca and to Photograph my friends Wedding in August! We had a blast on the beach and at Seaworld. But being that I went there to take pics of a wedding, I didnt really take many of our vacation. We just RELAXED the whole time!

For Halloween this year we went back to California with Damons Family. This time we went to Disneyland and California Adventure! SO MUCH FUN!

It seems like the last few months have been crazy with Weddings and Showers!
ALL my Besties had a shower in one form or another and like always I had to have my hand in it!
Damon's Granddad Day was in a Car accident and had to spend THXGIVIN in a rehab. So we brought Thanksgiving Dinner to him. It was very Memorable Year for us to spend time with Damons Granddad, grandma, and my family.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
crazy, crazier, and craziness!!!
So Some crazy things have been happening lately...

Chandler turned Sweet 16! This is CRAZY to me! She was just born yesterday! I can't even believe what an amazing sister I have! She is absolutely Incredible in every way! But here are 16 reasons why she's the best!
1: Chan is SO Smart!
2: Chan is so Funny, Im always laughing with her.
3: Chan is always Happy. Never has had a bad day.
4: Chan has a beautiful voice, can Sing like no other!
5: Chan is So Responsible. I feel sometimes like she's older than she really is...
6: Chan has the best hiccups! Seriously make her hiccup for you, you'll smile.
7: Chan has the best style! Funky but Fun!
8: Chan always sets a good example.
9: Chan has the softest hands (but the roughest Feet) :-)
10: Chan is SO photogenic! Never a bad picture.
11: Chan is so Creative. Always makes new things, and has new ideas.
12: Chan has the sweetest Testimony.
13: Chan has the best Smile! Totally contagious.
14: Chan is SO Gorgeous!
15: Chan is always helping others. She's the best friend everyone wants.
Chan I LOVE YOU! I hope you had to best Birthday ever!!!
A previous post i showed some pics of my crazy room makeover.
Well here is an updated pictures of the new Bedspread and Pillows. Because life is crazy the rest has been put on hold.
Damon's Brother and sister in law did a Job for one of the Harlem Globe Trotters,
Meadow Lark Lemon!
We had dinner with their family and it was Crazy Night! We had a blast with them and loved getting to know their family, and hearing all the crazy Basketball stories!

We had such a great time with my Uncle, Aunt, and Cousins! Us Crazy DeWitts had a blast playing Family Feud and of Course eating all night. Thanks for such a fun time COUSINS!

So the craziest thing in life right now has been our on going BABY battle... Once again I found out I was Pregnant, and Once again it ended with me In SURGERY with another Ectopic/tubel pregnancy, and this time my Right tube was removed. What an emotional roller coaster we have been through.

I can only thank every one for the sweet thoughts, flowers, dinner, treats, time, and prayers that have been sent our way. Damon and I are hangin in there, and are trying to stay positive. This one has hit me a little harder than the last ones. I've been trying to hang on to my Hope, and my faith in my Heavenly Father that he will bless us with a Family when the time is right. Damon has been SO great through all of this and has been my back bone, and my shoulder to cry one. And let me tell you there have been lots of tears, Mostly because I just cant seem to kick theses hormones... :-) But I'm thankful for the amazing life we have and how blesssed we are in so many other ways. I still have faith and i'm awaiting my time when I can be a mom. Cause dang I dont know where Id be with out mine.

I love you mom...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Catchin up..
We had alot of stuff happen in the Month of May!
My Sweet Grandpa DeWitt past away at the age of 94! He lived such a great life! I had the honor in designing his funeral Program, this was the front cover:

We did an entire 4 page program! It was great! For a Great Man! Miss you Papa.
Meet Ella Jane Stratton! Our new niece!
Damon and I just love her to pieces! Cant get enough of her!

Volleyball has been another big thing this last month! Chelsi and I coached a Club team together in Phoenix this year. All our girls wanted to do a photo shoot at the end of the season so these were some of the fun pictures.

Speaking of Volleyball!! I dont know if everyone has heard that Chelsi got the HEAD Coach Job over at WESTWOOD! Im SO excited for her. Im gonna try and help out as much as I can! Im so excited for WW Volleyball!

Speaking of Volleyball!! I dont know if everyone has heard that Chelsi got the HEAD Coach Job over at WESTWOOD! Im SO excited for her. Im gonna try and help out as much as I can! Im so excited for WW Volleyball!
In one of my last post I promised to update on our CRAZY baby situation...
I had my procedure done and besides it being the MOST painful thing Ive EVER experienced!! Our results were not great.. Unfortantly MY TUBE IS BLOCKED! SO I only have one functioning tube. I had to have a follow up ultrasound just a couple of weeks ago, and the greatest news since of this CRAZiness is that my tube isnt causing any infection SO IT DOESNT have to come out!
Im really thankful that Im not going to have to have another Surgery. I was really dreading that day if it had to come..
So for right now, we are able to start "trying" again, so we will see what the future holds for us. But for now, Damon and me are trying to enjoy our time together (seeing that we've been married 4 1/2 years!!) and are PATIENTLY waiting. I hope its not much longer, but in the mean time, Ill enjoy Life... Cause its GREAT.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
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